BA (Hons) Comptabilité et Finance
Leeds, Royaume-Uni
3 up to 6 Years
À plein temps, À temps partiel
Date limite de dépôt des demandes
20 Jan 2025
GBP 16 000 / per year *
Sur le campus
* pour les étudiants internationaux | pour les étudiants britanniques : 9 250 GBP par an
Ce diplôme vous permettra d'acquérir une compréhension approfondie de la comptabilité et de la finance et de leur importance pour les organisations et les entreprises.
Dans le cadre de ce cours, vous:
- Développer les compétences et aptitudes clés pour contribuer efficacement à la gestion financière des organisations, aujourd'hui et à l'avenir.
- Construire et analyser des états financiers et des informations financières à l'aide d'une série de techniques et d'outils électroniques.
- Apprendre à décrire et à commenter la recherche en comptabilité et en finance à l'aide de données et de méthodologies
- Personnalisez vos études en choisissant des modules qui correspondent à vos intérêts et à votre future orientation professionnelle.
- Entreprendre un projet de simulation d'entreprise pour mettre en pratique vos connaissances et vos compétences.
- Spécialisez-vous en comptabilité ou obtenez une perspective plus large sur les affaires
- Avoir accès à des conférences d'invités afin d'apprendre de nos liens d'affaires et des professionnels de l'industrie.
Votre communauté universitaire
Vous étudierez au cœur de Leeds, l'un des plus grands centres financiers du Royaume-Uni en dehors de Londres. La communauté universitaire dynamique que vous rejoindrez comprend des tuteurs dotés d'une grande expertise académique et d'une vaste expérience pratique et professionnelle.
Accréditation professionnelle
Ce cours de comptabilité et de finance est accrédité par trois organismes professionnels :
- Association des comptables agréés (ACCA),
- Institut agréé des comptables en management (CIMA)
- Institut des comptables agréés d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles (ICAEW)
Cela signifie qu'il est reconnu comme un cours dont le matériel pédagogique est de haut niveau et répond aux exigences du secteur. Une fois diplômé, vous pourrez demander à être exempté de certains des examens que vous auriez dû passer pour devenir expert-comptable.
Essentiellement, le travail effectué dans le cadre de votre diplôme est transférable et vous n'aurez pas à passer autant d'examens pour devenir un membre qualifié d'un organisme professionnel. Cela varie en fonction de l'organisme professionnel, et notre description du cours dans la section Teaching & Learning contient tous les détails.
L'expérience du monde réel
Si vous effectuez un stage rémunéré au cours de votre troisième année, vous développerez et améliorerez votre employabilité. Nos étudiants ont bénéficié de stages dans des entreprises très performantes, notamment
- Disney
- Morrisons
- Le NHS
Nos diplômés
Nos diplômés ont ensuite travaillé avec un large éventail d'organisations dans différents secteurs d'activité, notamment
- EY (Ernst & Young)
- Motos Triomphe
- Grant Thornton UK LLP
- Aviva
- Evri
- Fondation Joseph Rowntree
- BDO - Comptabilité et conseils aux entreprises
- Jet2
- La Fédération de football (FA)
Industriey insights
Notre série de conférences invitées vous aidera à soutenir votre développement. Parmi les anciens orateurs figurent le PDG de la Bourse de Londres, le directeur général de la British Bankers Association et l'économiste en chef de la Yorkshire Bank. Pour voir et vous inscrire à toutes les conférences à venir, visitez notre page Web des événements universitaires.
Pourquoi étudier la comptabilité et la finance à l'université Leeds Beckett ?
- 94% des étudiants du BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance sont satisfaits de la manière dont le personnel enseignant explique les choses*.
- 91,9 % des diplômés ont un emploi ou poursuivent leurs études 15 mois après l'obtention de leur diplôme**.
- La technologie standard de l'industrie est disponible pour vous aider à devenir un diplômé prêt à travailler.
- Les liens avec les organismes de réglementation professionnelle et les institutions financières professionnelles garantissent que votre apprentissage répond aux normes exigées par les employeurs.
- Stage optionnel dans l'industrie, qui vous permettra d'élargir votre expérience professionnelle et d'impressionner les employeurs potentiels.
*Enquête nationale auprès des étudiants 2023
**Pourcentage de personnes interrogées dans le cadre de ce cours, HESA Graduate outcomes 20-21
- Temps plein : 3 ans
- Temps partiel : 6 ans
Bourses et financement
There are ways you may be able to fund your course. Sometimes it is possible to get sponsorship from a government body in your country. There are many different options, so have a look through the links carefully to see if they apply to you.
- International Scholarships
- Chevening Scholarships
- US / Canada Direct Loans
Teaching & Learning
Independent study is a crucial part of learning at university and you will be required to undertake many hours of self-directed research and reading, and preparation and writing of assessments. Your course is delivered through several modules, which will help you to plan your time and establish a study routine. Outside of your lectures, workshops and tutorials, a range of support is available to assist with your independent study. Our subject-specific librarians will be on hand to direct you to specialist learning and study-skill resources. You’ll also be assigned an academic advisor to give you tailored feedback and support.
Year 1
What you'll learn
Business & Legal Foundations
Explore the foundations and understanding of the business and legal structures and environment. You'll relate to the work of the accounting and finance professional as you study the English Legal system, legal business structures, and contract law as it affects business. You'll gain an understanding of business stakeholders and the business environment as it applies to the current climate. You'll also use current business scenarios to further your understanding.
Developing Professional & Academic Skills
Start to develop the soft skills required to begin your career planning journey. You'll begin to gain the digital and professional skills required to work as a professional accountant. This module will also incorporate personal development and resilience tools to enable your success in the modern workplace.
Introduction to Accounting Part 1
This module will provide an introduction to double-entry bookkeeping and base accounting knowledge. You'll start to understand fundamental accounting terms and knowledge.
Introduction to Accounting Part 2
Begin to develop your knowledge base for the preparation of simple financial statements and management accounting concepts. You'll gain further knowledge and continue to build your understanding of accounting terms.
Financial Accounting
Develop the use of double-entry bookkeeping and other techniques to produce company financial statements. This will include the Statement of Cash Flow and the Statement of Changes in Equity. This module also covers the detection and correction of errors in accounting information. You'll start to appreciate how desirable characteristics of accounting information and fundamental accounting concepts are applied in practice.
Themes in Accounting
This module will give you an introduction to the legal and ethical backdrop in which finance professionals operate. It will also demonstrate the importance of ethical behaviour, linking to ethical scandals and poor corporate behaviour.
Management Accounting
Build on the Introduction to Accounting module to develop an understanding of management accounting concepts and principles.
Year 2
What you'll learn
Financial Reporting
This module will enable you to practise applying international accounting standards in the production of financial statements. You'll also evaluate accounting standards in the context of accounting concepts and qualitative characteristics.
SAGE & Forecasting
Develop a range of skills to support your personal development and employability as you contextualise your studies. You'll present your analysis of the business as part of a formal group presentation. Then you'll formally reflect on the experience of this module.
Performance Management for Decision Making
Further, develop skills acquired in the Management Accounting module. You'll continue to explore processing and analysing information for management reporting.
Technical Themes in Accounting
Builds on the skills you acquired in your first year of study. This module will further develop the digital skills and core knowledge areas you'll need to be a business professional of the future.
Financial Management
Understand the structure of business finance and its application to the decision-making processes in organisations.
Group Financial Statements
Develop the skills and techniques to produce and interpret the financial statements of a group of companies. You'll use the qualitative characteristics of useful information and the fundamental bases of accounting you've already studied to explore the conceptual framework of accounting. This module will cover the reporting of financial information for groups by generally accepted accounting principles and relevant accounting standards and the analysis. You'll also study the interpretation of information from financial reports.
Advanced Financial Management
Critically examine the contribution and importance of corporate financial decision-making to the achievement of the enterprise's corporate objectives from a strategic perspective.
Strategic Planning & Control
Practise applying the knowledge and skills you have developed in your degree in the context of a business simulation game.
Accounting Issues
Understand theoretical accounting issues and learn how to evaluate accounting regulation and guidance. Evaluate approaches to ethical issues and use a range of digital resources to explore accounting issues.
Audit & Assurance
Understand the process of carrying out an audit and its application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
Year 3
What you'll learn
Applied Finance for Enterprise
Learn to select and apply appropriate financial techniques in the production of a realistic and practicable financial business plan.
Finance in Practice
Improve your understanding of the finance sector by studying some of the key aspects of major areas of the sector including banking, insolvency, forensic accounting, money and finance systems, and insurance. Understand the legal, ethical, and sustainable frameworks that surround the sector.
Cross-Cultural Management & Diversity
Develop a critical awareness and understanding of the complexity of managing cross-cultural issues, diversity, and inclusion in the home and global business environment.
Corruption in Business
This module uncovers the dirty secrets of how tax havens work and how they disrupt the global economy. It explores the opaque, secretive, and confusing world of financial crimes saturated with stories, rumours, and anecdotes.
Personal Taxation
Gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills relating to the tax affairs of UK resident individuals.
Governance, Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
Explore the importance of ethical business decision-making, how the governance of firms should be organised, and the consideration of stakeholders in developing approaches to the social responsibility of businesses.
International Business Finance
This module will examine fundamental concepts of international business finance and international trade. You'll learn about the formation of multinational corporations and the business challenges they face in a dynamic global context.
Corporate Taxation, Theory & Practice
Study the corporate taxation matters that are most significant for UK accounting and business decisions. You will focus on the rules for computing the corporation tax and VAT liabilities of a trading company, and you will adopt how professional accountants conventionally present the results to company directors and the UK tax authorities.
Dissertation (year-long)
You will demonstrate a full range of skills, knowledge, and competencies developed over three years of study. This module provides an opportunity for you to choose and explore a field of study that has particularly engaged your interest.
Work Placement
Apply for a placement and undertake a period of paid employment to allow you to develop business contacts and gain an understanding of the jobs and career market. This course offers the opportunity to take a ‘sandwich’ year – a year of paid employment in industry which will build your skills and experience. This is usually taken between the second and third year of your degree, typically making your course four years in total.
Students who choose the sandwich route find it helps with both their studies and getting a job after graduation. It can build your confidence, contacts, and of course your CV. Leeds Beckett advertises lots of placement opportunities and provides support in helping you find the right placement for you.
Frais de scolarité du programme
Opportunités de carrière
Ce cours de comptabilité et de finance vous met sur la voie rapide vers la qualification de comptable professionnel. Après avoir obtenu votre diplôme, vous bénéficierez d'exemptions substantielles des examens requis pour devenir membre des principaux organismes comptables professionnels. Il s'agit notamment de l'Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, du Chartered Institute of Management Accountants et de l'Institute of Chartered Accountants d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles.
En plus de la comptabilité, vous pourriez accéder à une grande variété de professions stimulantes et financièrement enrichissantes, notamment la comptabilité, la bourse, les services financiers et la gestion d'entreprise.
- Stagiaire comptable agréé
- Accountant
- Finance Assistant
- Commis aux finances
Vous disposerez des connaissances techniques et de la confiance professionnelle nécessaires pour accéder à un poste qui correspond à vos aspirations professionnelles. Nos diplômés ont rejoint des entreprises telles que KPMG, EY (Ernst & Young), Grant Thornton UK LLP, Aviva, Jet2, Evri, la Fondation Joseph Rowntree et BDO Accountancy and Business Advice.